Sample Meal Delivery Menus
Each meal includes a generous portion of an entrée and vegetable side.
Depending on your appetite, you may have leftovers.
A weekly dessert is also included in each delivery!
Minimum 3 meals a week for 2 people:
Prices Start at*
3 meals for 2 $150 3 meals for 4 $300
4 meals for 2 $190 4 meals for 4 $380
5 meals for 2 $230 5 meals for 4 $440
*dietary restrictions, special ingredients, and fluctuating food supply chains can all determine final pricing.
A $50 onboarding fee is charged for each new customer. This includes two reusable cooler bags for delivery and a 1-hour initial consultation to determine food preferences and dietary restrictions.
Meals are delivered once per week with heating instructions in a cooler bag with ice packs. Your delivery day is based on your location.